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Sell Printable Planners in a Saturated Market?


The answer to this is both yes and no. For simplicity sake, if you are only just now jumping into making planners and your designs are very general generic planner printables then yeah, you'll likely to struggle for sales. But let's take a closer look at what you can do to be successful in this seemingly saturated niche.



When joining an   already crowded market, and this applies to any product or service, in order to be seen and chosen your best option is to stand out in some way from all your competitors. There is a variety of ways to do this with planners, from style and aesthetic to pricing, selection and detail or some other format that isn't being offered. 

You need to ask the question "what can I do differently"?



If you are starting to design digital planners and have no experience using them or have knowledge on what customers are looking for and needing; you are going to be at a critical disadvantage. 

You need to understand your product niche and your target customer base well enough to anticipate what they will benefit from, what they are looking for and the value they place on different features.

Don't just copy what other sellers are offering, do the research to understand the product inside out so that you can provide something better or unique that customers will actually want.


Before you even begin designing your planner printables to sell on Etsy you'd be wise to do some thorough research. Not only will this aid you in achieving the above two points but you'll also be able to uncover less competitive niches within the category.

This is also a good time to be thinking about possible keywords. Most sellers tend to keyword their products after they've made it and are uploading it to sell. But by thinking about keywords from the outset you can create products to fit gaps in the market and to specifically take advantage of lower competition keywords.


I'm hearing a lot of people talk about saturation with planner printables and that only established shops can do well anymore. Newcomers to the category are often experiencing difficulty making sales but not all stories are of failure to succeed. There are still new sellers starting their journey into this category today who are finding a way to make it work.

Ultimately, a category is only saturated if there aren't enough buyers to support the number of products being sold. Because so many planner printable shops are actually doing very well, the buyers are definitely there.

So let's take a closer look at different niches within the planner printable category and see what the product numbers actually look like. I've created a list of as many planner types as I could think of, it's not comprehensive I'm sure, but it will give you some ideas on how to niche down and perhaps where best to focus your efforts.

I also wanted to show just how far down you can niche and that there are still plenty of ideas that haven't been fully explored. Often, people don't know they need a product until that product exists, so thinking creatively about how and why people need these types of printables may lead to new ideas.


planner printables = 476,049
planner templates = 271,030

wedding planner printable = 13,461
wedding planner template = 15,708
digital wedding planner bundle = 1,927
destination wedding planner printables = 1,063
bridal shower planner printables = 2,195
honeymoon planner printables = 499

vacation planner printables = 6,584
cruise ship planner printables = 491
camping planner printables = 2,094
disneyland planner printables = 1,249
travel planner printables = 9,801
road trip planner printables = 1,887

party planner printables = 404,335
event planner printables = 4,998
birthday party planner printables = 15,285
reunion planner printables = 1,177
retreat planner printables = 147

parenting planner printables = 2,131
family planner printables = 17,685
mom planner printables = 12,454
chores planner printables = 13,445
meal planner printables = 29,060
grocery shopping planner printables = 6817
pantry planner printables = 1,187
cleaning planner printables = 10,090

school planner printables = 60,589
homework planner printables = 3,349
student planner printables = 25,400
college planner printables = 17,669
kids planner printables = 84,918

bucket list planner printables = 3,281
mindfulness planner printables = 4,637
meditation planner printables = 1,481
pcs military palnner printables = 232

fitness planner printables = 15,788
exercise planner printables =5,210
diet planner printables = 5,676
habit tracker printables = 26,475
yoga planner printables = 1,482
wellness planner printables = 11,936
health planner printables = 19,671
self care planner printables = 16,369

finance planner printables = 16,594
budget planner printables = 46,042
savings planner printables = 21,822
investment planner printables = 435
spending tracker printables = 6,662

job search planner printables = 238
career planner printables = 1,058
retirement planner printables = 1,446
moving planner printables = 2,542

business planner printables = 19,417
sales planner printables = 2,396
blog planner printables = 2,633
side hustle planner printables = 799
wardrobe planner printables = 434

social media planner printables = 5,427
facebook planner printables = 1,450
instagram planner printables = 2,312
twitter planner printables = 347
youtube planner printables = 1,588
pinterest planner printables = 1,699

garden planner printables = 3.290
plant care planner printables = 779
renovation planner printables = 442
project planner printables = 9,144
house maintenance planner = 590
car maintenance planner = 659

emergency planner printables = 4,109
end of life planner printables - 842
care giver planner printables = 475
pet care planner printables = 1,958

christmas planner printables = 18,890
halloween planner printables = 11,856
holiday planner printables = 11,789

reading planner printables = 7,811
writing planner printables = 7,020
craft planner printables = 69,450
sewing planner printables = 2,257

bible planner printables = 7,299
christian planner printables = 5,521
spiritual planner printables = 2,790
manifestation planner printables = 9,586
law of attraction planner printables = 1,951
goal setting planner printables = 7,639

disclaimer: numbers are 'as of publication'. these numbers also include ads and 'related' products that etsy now includes into searches where keywords don't match exactly, as well as products where sellers have used the keyword for a similar product that maybe isn't quite on target for the search.



So what to make of these numbers? These serve as a guideline for what categories are the most popular and the most populated. If you want to sell in one of these bigger categories you're going to have work hard to stand out from the competition and build fabulous products.

On the other side, there are many categories that haven't got as much competition. Making products for these keywords can help get a little bit of traffic into your shop. They may not be the biggest sellers but they may be easier to compete with for those few customers who need something highly specialized.

Having a broad base of keywords in your shop is instrumental in being able to put your products in front of buyers. While you may not immediately get to page 1 of a search for wedding planners it might be easier to hit the top of the list with something like a renovation planner.

I hope you found this useful. Let me know in the comments if you want to add anything to the list or if you've recently started a printables shop let me know how it's going!




Free Vintage Door Knob Collage Sheet


These lovely vintage graphics have been made into 1.75" circle rounds perfect for a wide variety of craft projects from stickers to scrapbooking elements. Print them on aged looking craft paper for added effect!

This is an 8.5x11" PDF sheet saved for print resolution.

Use these freely in any personal or commercial project, all graphics are public domain.


Happy Crafting



How to Stay Motivated When You Don't want to Work

You know that feeling when you just don’t want to work? It’s almost like your soul is disconnected from your body and you feel like someone else is controlling your life instead of you. It’s a weird phenomenon that we all go through. Even the most successful people in the world have had their moments where they just can’t seem to bring themselves to do anything productive. 

If you are reading this article then chances are, you’re going through one of those moments right now. 

In this article, we explore ways to stay motivated when you don't want to work. Read on to find out more.


Take a break

When you are feeling unmotivated to work, you might think that you have to push through it. You might feel as though if you stop, you’ll never get started again. But, taking a break from work can actually help you get back into the swing of things. 

It can allow you time to rest and de-stress from whatever you have been working on and it can allow you time to reflect on the things you have been doing and help you to see what is working for you and what isn’t. 

When you are feeling unmotivated, you may not be able to recognize that you need to take a break. You may be too caught up in that negative cycle of not feeling like you are making any progress. Taking a break can help you to re-evaluate your situation. 

Recognize that your feelings of being unmotivated are nothing more than a fleeting condition that can be overcome with a bit of rest and relaxation.



Exercising is one of the fastest and most effective ways to get out of a rut. It will get your blood flowing, get your mind working, and help you to break out of whatever negative cycle of thinking you might be trapped in. It has been proven to be a great way to re-charge your creativity and often allows your mind to wander to new ideas.

Depending on what type of exercise you do, it may also give you a chance to reflect on what is going on in your life and help you to come up with solutions to the problems that you are facing. 

Now, to be clear, we are NOT saying to go out and run a marathon or lift weights for hours on end. 

What we are saying is that even something as simple as taking a walk can be enough to help you get out of that negative cycle and clear your mind.


Set small goals

When you are feeling unmotivated, it can be easy to spiral out of control. You may find yourself thinking about all of the things you have left to do and how you’re never going to finish them. You might also find yourself thinking about all of the times you have let yourself down, and how you are never going to be successful if you keep going at the rate you are going. 

When you feel like this, you need to stop and focus on just one small thing. Set one small goal, and focus on accomplishing it. What matters is that you focus all of your energy on it and don’t put it off until later. 

Once you have accomplished that small goal, set another and then another. Keep setting goals and keeping yourself busy and you’ll find that you are able to break out of that negative cycle a lot faster than you might expect.


Don’t judge yourself for not feeling motivated

If you have ever gone through this before, then you might have started to judge yourself for feeling unmotivated. You might feel as though there is something wrong with you for not being able to just get over it and move on with your life. 

It's important to remember that everyone goes through this at one point or another in their lives. Everyone has periods of time where they don’t feel like working. 

What makes someone successful is not that they don’t go through these periods, but that they are able to move past them and continue on with their lives no matter how they feel in a singular period of time.


Do something you enjoy

When you are feeling unmotivated, you need something to get your mind off of the things that are bothering you or keeping you from tasks at hand. You need something to distract your mind in a different direction, perhaps something that you can enjoy in that moment. It may be that your mind just needs a break.

Do something that will make you happy. Or find a task that is less taxing on you.

Reading can be a great way to relax and get your mind off of things. Playing video games can help you to relax and not worry about anything else. Going out with friends and doing something you enjoy can help you to break out of the negative cycle of being unmotivated and help you to get back on track with your life and work.



Everybody goes through times when they don’t want to work. These periods are difficult for everyone, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up for them. 

When you are feeling unmotivated, the most important thing you can do is take the time to re-evaluate your situation. Look at what you have been doing and decide what you need to do in order to get yourself out of this negative cycle. 

Find something that you enjoy and do that. Find something that can help you relax and get your mind in a better place and you’ll find that you are able to get out of this a lot faster than you might expect. 

Now, keep in mind that this may not be a quick fix. It may take some time to get yourself out of the rut, but once you do, you’ll be able to come back stronger than ever before.


How to Take a Screenshot on PC Desktop


Sometimes you'll need to grab a screenshot from your computer screen, whether it's because of a tech issue you need help with or something you just need to share and if you've done that before it can feel a little frustrating to figure it out in the moment.

Luckily your PC comes with built in tools to assist and make this a super easy and super quick task.

There are two options depending on how much of your screen you want to share:

1. The entire screen

To create and save the screenshot, just tap the Windows key + Print Screen key at the same time.  The screenshot will be saved instantly to your Pictures > Screenshots folder.

And it's just as easy as that. Should you really not want to share the entire picture you just snapped, you can quickly crop out the parts you want to hide, or you can use the second method below.

Here's a keyboard pic showing where the Windows and Print Screen keys are:

2. A specific portion of your screen

To create and save just a portion of your computer screen you'll click on just the Print Screen button (as shown above). A plus sign with dotted lines will appear which you can move around with your mouse to position how you need. Just click and drag to create a box around the part of your screen you want to capture.

Once you release the mouse to create the box a dialog box will pop up with various ways to save the screen grab. You ca use whichever most suits your needs, but the first option 'Save as (displaying dialog)' is most likely the best choice. This option will bring up a save dialog box similar to that of other programs where you just name your file, choose a location to save to and click 'ok'.

And that's it, you now have an image of your screen that you can share however you want, right from your desktop in just a couple clicks.


Happy computing




My Favorite Font Bundle for 2022


I am not a font hoarder. I do have more fonts than I can use, but I'm not a true collector by any means. Some of my designer colleagues have fonts by the thousands. I've whittled mine down to a few hundred (i think, honestly it's so hard to keep track).

And that's the point. Once you get beyond a certain number of fonts it becomes difficult and overwhelming to manage. I not currently doing much design work requiring loads of fonts so I'm keeping my list to the absolute best / favorites. The go-to fonts that I love the most.

I recently picked up an incredible bundle deal that has quickly become just that. My go-to font collection when I need something with a little personality. See that feature font in the image above, that one is called Shiplap. On my tech support post images I'm using Farmer's Market.

They are part of a 100 font bundle I picked up in a sale event last year and it is one of the best groups of fonts I have. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of other individual fonts I love and use often, but as a collection this one is - well, just fun.

One of the best features of the bundle that I have appreciated the most (besides fantastic font designs) is a small under-utilized organizational feature - the font file name. Not the name OF the font, but the how the font FILE has been named. Hats off to the designer for this because I LOVE it. 

Every font file begins with the letters DTC then the font name. Which means when I go to use a font in the collection they are all lined up in order as a collection in my font manager. Such a small detail but it is so very helpful when trying to manage too many fonts!

Ok, so the fonts are really the important bit. See for yourself if this collection tickles your fancy. :)

Happy creating



please note :: I often recommend resources I love, some I receive an affiliate commission for at no additional cost to you, but all are resources that I personally use. I am not otherwise paid to promote.

How to pick products to sell in your Etsy shop

At first glance, it would seem that there’s no end to the creativity you can bring to an Etsy shop. With so many categories to choose from and so many products within those categories, there must be endless ways to showcase your artisanal interests. 

But as much as we love all things handcrafted, not every business idea actually fits well within the world of Etsy. You need to think about the type of work you’re willing to spend time doing on a regular basis, the resources you have available for creating those products, and whether or not people are really going to connect with what you have to sell. Not to mention, whether or not it's profitable.

To help you get started in creating your own Etsy shop, here are some top tips for picking the best products to sell in your own eCommerce store. 


Research the market

Even before you decide which products to sell, you need to get an idea for the market you’re operating within. You don’t want to be just another seller in a niche that’s already saturated, but on the other hand, you don’t want to choose a product that no one’s buying. 

You can start off your research with some simple Google searches to learn more about the product industry you are interested in. Look at what's popular, how diverse the product range currently is, the popularity of certain products and how broad the customer base is. You want to get a feel for what is going on with the chosen industry and drill down into specific niches.

For example, if you are interested in making pottery, the industry is pretty massive with a high volume of sales, so there is good opportunity to build a strong customer base. Now get specific, what kind of pottery, for whom, what style? Looking at a particular niche, is there anything missing? Can you do something new or different? You want to identify something that is popular but then add your own spin to it.

You want to do this is in the wider market and not just on Etsy. But it's important to do the exact same research on Etsy as well. You want to look for a product type that you have a keen interest in, will enjoy making long term, has good potential to sell well and then you need to create your own special versions.

You might also look at Etsy’s top sellers in different niche's to research what’s selling, and try to figure out why. Looking at the top sellers should give you an idea of what is required to setup a store for success. Study and understand what their doing right and why they are selling so well. Can you come up with your own unique product offering and sell as successfully?

And finally, think about the products you already own and have in your home. What’s missing from the market? What do people not realize they need? Is there some value you can add to an existing product to make it better, or a new product that doesn't exist yet? These insights can help you recognize gaps in the market and pick a product that’s well-positioned to succeed.


Find your niche

If you’re new to running your own business, the concept of niche marketing might not be second nature to you. But it’s something every entrepreneur needs to take into account. In fact, not only does it help you decide which products to sell on your Etsy shop, it helps you decide how to run your business as a whole. 

When you pick a niche, you’re focusing your marketing efforts on a specific group of people. You might decide to cater to families, people who work from home, stay-at-home parents, or any number of other groups. 

You can find your niche by first looking at what you want from a business. You can ask yourself questions like: Who do I want to work with? What kind of lifestyle do I want to have? What are my goals? Who will my product be most useful to?

If this feels like a waste of time, remember that in order to actually sell your products you need to know who you are actually selling to. Otherwise you'll have the same results as standing on a street corner hustling to random passersby.


Ask yourself some important questions

Once you’ve got an idea of the type of business you want to run, it’s time to dig a little deeper into the products you can sell. When picking products to sell on your Etsy shop, you have to keep a few things in mind: 

How popular is the product? What’s the price range? How unique is the product? Are there patents or trademarks on the product? Is the product easy to source? Can you customize it? How big is the market for the products you want to sell? Are there enough people who want to buy what you have to offer? Are there already tons of people selling this product? Is the product something you can stand behind? Will customers understand the benefits you’re aiming to provide them?

That's a lot of questions! But it's important to have those answers otherwise your products and marketing are likely to fall flat and miss their target entirely. If you want to be successful with your Etsy shop venture you can't just randomly throw products out there and hope for the best, it takes a strategic and targeted approach to get the best results.


Decide on a product and its viability

Once you’ve narrowed down your product options, you then need to decide which one you should sell in your Etsy shop. You can’t sell everything, so you need to evaluate each product and decide if it suits the business you want to build. 

You'll need to look at the market and decide if there’s room for your product in it. You don't want your hard work to drown in a sea of sameness and being a copycat rarely brings true success. You should be looking to see if your product fulfills a need or gap that isn’t being met. 

You also need to take into account your own motivation to sell the product. Why do you want to sell this product? Does the product align with your values? Does the product have a strong aesthetic appeal? Does the product solve a problem for customers? Does the product have a clear and easy-to-understand branding? Is the product something you know enough about to communicate with customers? 

Taking these considerations into account will help you choose the best product for YOU to sell in your Etsy shop. And it makes the job of selling it so much easier!


Take into account your skills and resources

Once you’ve decided on a product, look at your own personal resources and skills. How much time do you have each week, will you be able to fulfill orders, and how many can you feasibly handle at once?

Think about your source of income and how much you have to invest in your business. Is this doable? 

And then, how much income do you need from your business to break even? 

You also need to consider your personal strengths and weaknesses. Are you good at communicating with customers? Are you a good problem-solver? Do you pick up new skills quickly? Are there other skills you’re lacking? You can’t be great at everything, but you can definitely be good at something.

Now is the time to identify any areas you are weak on or lacking in knowledge so you can spend some time improving or learning in order to make up for anything lacking.


Summing up

An Etsy shop can be a great way to earn some extra cash from a hobby you love. But before you dive into creating your storefront, you need to think about the type of product you want to sell and how viable the product is. The most important step that most Etsy sellers fail to do up front is the MATH.

The numbers are so important. If your dream is to quit your day job, the product you sell has to be able to scale up to the point where you can earn an income. Some products or methods or selling simply won't offer that and are destined to always be pocket change income.

When you’ve got your product line in mind, it’s time to pick a name and create a storefront that’s as engaging as possible. You have to convince customers to spend their hard-earned money on your products. You have to prove that what you are selling is worth investing in.


Happy creating

Choosing the Right Graphic Design Software


Today, there are so many different graphic design software programs to choose from, with options to suit every budget or experience level. So choosing one, when you have no experience with them can be an overwhelming task.

You have to spend the time learning how the thing actually works. Make the wrong choice and you've wasted precious time and have to start all over again from the beginning.

The following list, while not comprehensive, gives you at least some guidance into the most popular options currently on the market.

I would love to be able to categorize these accurately based on difficulty or ease of use but 'easy' is relative. If you are a brand new user with no experience at all, likely you're going to find even the easiest program a little bit challenging. It all depends on where you are starting from.


I recommend this one as a compatible option for Photoshop files. It looks and feels a lot like Photoshop when you are using it though it doesn't have ALL the features that Photoshop has (obviously) but it's great for creating basic design layouts with lots of editing tool options. If you have any experience with Photoshop or PS Elements you'll feel at home with it. There are thousands of online tutorials for Photoshop and simpler actions will easily transfer over to Photopea.

This is also a lot like Photoshop in how it looks and feels. Recently revamped there are now two options; PixlrX and PixlrE. PixlrX is super basic and only has very limited editing options. Great for projects where you are just adding a text overlay, cropping or making minor photo adjustments. PixlrE is the advanced option that mimics Photoshop and has a robust selection of design and drawing tools.

While it will open photoshop files, it doesn't seem to be able to handle larger sized files very well and doesn't keep layers organized in folders, so complex files end up very messy. Photopea works better here.

This design program is a closed system editor. What that means is, you can't create and save native files the same way as regular software programs. Files 'in progress' can only be saved inside Canva and you can only download finished projects in flattened form such as PDF, PNG or JPG. Designers offering Canva templates therefore will always label their products specifically as Canva templates. If a designer (like me) does not mention Canva in the product details... a Canva specific template is not included.

You'll only be able to use my PNG format files here, which is fine for simpler projects. Canva is very user friendly and reasonably quick to learn. Just note that the free version of Canva has very limited tool options.

It has a nice selection of tools for beginners and a friendly navigation. This is not one that I have personally tested, but it comes highly rated for what it is and is the most likely candidate for me to recommend as a beginners graphic design tool with an easy learning curve.

It is only compatible with image files such as jpg and png and has a more limited selection of tools than some of the more advanced software options but otherwise a perfect option for the occasional simple project.

This is definitely not one of my favorites, but it's been a few years since I last tried it and I'm adding it to the list because it is a popular free software with advanced editing capabilities. It is very similar to how Photoshop works and has all the tools you could need for either drawing or graphic design. I didn't find it particularly intuitive but luckily there are loads of helpful tutorials available as Gimp has been around for quite some time now.

While it will open Photoshop files it doesn't support all features so some files may not function properly.

This downloadable software is a vector graphics editor and a comparable substitute for Illustrator. It opens any vector based files with full functionality intact. It has a steep learning curve but plenty of tutorials can be found online to get you started. While you can use it for any type of graphic design projects I don't recommend it for beginners unless you're prepared to spend some time upfront learning how to use it.

I list this here only because so many people insist on using it, largely because they have it and are comfortable using it. You can do simple design projects, but keep in mind this is a text editor, not a graphics editor, so there are big limitations. My PNG window files work perfect here though, just insert as image into any blank document.

Personally I would choose this over Word any day. Page setup is a little trickier (set page size first) but the tools are far more design friendly so you get just a bit more flexibility. I recommend using the same PNG window files here as well.

You have to buy this separate, it's not included in the MS 360 office pkg, but if you design regularly and want a simple + easy to use program, this one is aces. Admittedly, I haven't used it myself for a long time, but when I did I loved it because it was intuitive and had the same sort of feel as all the other MS programs. You can go from no experience to design whiz very quickly.

From the software brand Corel. For PC users only, one time purchase and very affordable. Corel used to be very popular but has been overshadowed recently by the plethora of newcomers on the market. This is still a very good quality software program however with loads of features.

This is an online editor that requires a monthly subscription. I haven't had a chance to try this yet but it is popular among my clipart customer base. For the money, there are more comprehensive choices, but I suspect the attraction will be ease of use and the ability to use anywhere anytime.

Adored by the scrapbooking community this program has fallen in popularity only because so many other options abound but it has nice affordable one time only price tag and is moderately easy to use. You'll find many tutorials and it's compatible with it's big sister Photoshop.

Offered via a monthly subscription (get the cheaper photographers pkg) this program takes some time to learn but online tutorials abound as it has been around a very long time. I use this almost exclusively in my own work. Recommended for those who require a robust program that does it all and will get regular use from it.

One time payment and very affordable. I only recommend going this route if you plan to be a serious designer and need top rated software. There is a steep learning curve for any vector based programs.


As you can see, this list is by no means comprehensive. I've included only programs that are suitable specifically for graphic design, rather than those specifically and only for drawing or photo editing. There are probably hundreds more programs and apps that offer very niche actions that may be a perfect fit for your own needs. Apps for mobile are constantly being created. Online tools come and go. And existing programs are updated or expanded.

If you are still unsure which route is best for you, ask your peers online in any forum groups you're part of for their recommendations or experience. Everyone will have a different perspective or opinion and you may glean something more through those conversations.

Happy designing

10 Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination


Procrastination has been found to be the single greatest inhibitor of performance and success for both individuals and organizations. In fact, procrastination is considered the primary roadblock when it comes to peak performance, effective time management, and the achievement of personal or professional goals.

But what exactly is procrastination? Simply put, it’s the habit of leaving things undone until the last minute or putting it off indefinitely.

Did you know that this unhelpful habit impacts 70% of people on a regular basis? The good news is we all have the power to beat procrastination and get stuff done.

But before we jump, let’s look at why exactly we procrastinate in the first place…


Why do we procrastinate?

The why of procrastination can vary wildly from one person to the next. However, there are some consistent reasons we put things off, including:

1. Conflicting intentions

If you’re unsure of what you want to achieve and how you want to get there, you’re likely to be a procrastinator.

2. Fear of failure or fear of success

The fear of failure can stop us in our tracks and it's often something we're not even consciously aware of.

3. Lack of focus

If you’re juggling too many tasks and don’t know where to start, you may procrastinate as a way to buy yourself more time.

4. Lack of motivation

When we don’t feel inspired or see the value in what we’re doing, we tend to procrastinate.


Know the reasons why you procrastinate

Not only does knowing the reasons why you procrastinate help you understand yourself and your tendencies better, but it also provides you with insight into what you need to do to stop. So, if you tend to procrastinate due to conflicting intentions, it may be time to take a look at your values and clarify what you truly want out of life.

If fear of failure is holding you back, you need to find ways to get past that and start taking small steps towards your goals. 

If you’re lacking focus, you may need to work on prioritizing your tasks and setting realistic expectations for yourself. And if you’re feeling uninspired, try setting yourself smaller, more attainable goals that help you feel more motivated and engaged in your day-to-day activities.

Whichever category you fall into if you want to beat procrastination, then you first need to identify what’s driving your need to put things off. Once you do that, you can then go about establishing strategies and tactics that help you get things done on time, in a timely manner, and without that nagging voice in your head telling you to “just put it off for another day.”

With that in mind, here are…


10 Steps to Help You Beat Procrastination and Get Stuff Done

1. Set clear goals: 

We know that procrastination can be caused by conflicting intentions, but what can you do about it?

One of the best ways to combat procrastination caused by conflicting intentions is to set clear goals. When you know what you want out of life, how you want to get there, and what your values are, you’re less likely to feel lost or overwhelmed. You’ll have a clear path to follow and a sense of direction that will help keep you focused and engaged in your daily activities.

So, when you feel the urge to procrastinate coming on, take a few moments to sit down and clarify what you want out of life or the situation at hand. What are your core values? What do you want to achieve? What are the benefits of completing the task you're putting off?

2. Reframe your perspective on how you view the task: 

If you’re putting something off because you’re afraid of failing try re-framing your perspective on that task. Remind yourself that failure is a necessary part of success and that failing is the best way to learn and grow. In other words, if you’re not failing, then you’re not really pushing yourself to succeed. 

Mindset plays a key role here in how you frame things in your mind. Check out my post on positive mindset skills to steer your thoughts in a more productive way.

3. Make a plan and build habits: 

Another way to combat procrastination caused by conflicting intentions is to make a plan and build habits. 

One of the best ways to keep yourself on track and focused on what’s important is to make a plan. And when we make a plan, we’re really making a promise to ourselves to do something. So, when you make a plan and promise yourself that you will complete a particular task by a certain time, you’re less likely to procrastinate and more likely to follow through.

Procrastination can also be caused by a lack of motivation, especially when we feel uninspired by the tasks ahead of us. If you find yourself struggling to stay motivated, try setting smaller, more attainable goals that allow you to take action and see immediate results. Small daily wins can help build momentum and keep you motivated so that you’re less likely to procrastinate on the things that matter.

4. Set a deadline for the task: 

If you’re putting something off because you don’t know where to start, set a deadline for when you want to start that task. Tell yourself that you need X amount of time to get started on the task. Once you set a deadline, you’ll feel a sudden sense of urgency to get it done. You need to be realistic with this, set yourself up for success by working honestly with your schedule. And see point 3 above.

5. Use accountability tools: 

Another way to fight procrastination and stay motivated is to use accountability tools. These can range from simple daily or weekly check-ins with yourself, to connecting with an online accountability partner. 

Whatever tool you choose, it’s important to find one that fits your needs and keeps you motivated. So be sure to choose a tool that is right for you and your needs. There are many types of online tools out there that can help you stay accountable. Find one that works for you and make sure to use it!

6. Delegate the task if you can: 

If you’re putting something off because you’re overwhelmed by the task, ask yourself if you can delegate it to someone else. You might be surprised to find that someone else would be more than happy to take it off your plate! Or they maybe are just happy to help you out, either way, learning to ask for help can be a motivator to getting things done if you're not in it alone.

7. Break the task down into smaller pieces: 

If you’re putting something off because you’re not giving yourself enough time to get it done, break the task down into smaller pieces. This will help you feel less overwhelmed and better equipped to get the job done.

8. Focus on your “why”: 

If you’re putting something off because you’re not sure where to start, focus on your “why.” What drives you? What makes you excited? What do you want to accomplish in your life? What do you want to leave behind? What are your passions and what are your interests?

If you want to beat procrastination, then finding your “why" is a great place to start. Why are you doing what you are doing? Why are you working the job you are working? Why are you doing the things you are doing in your personal life? Find your “why” and it will help you drive the decisions you make and help you stay focused on what is really important in your life. It will also help you stay motivated and driven throughout the ups and downs of life.

9. Make a public commitment: 

If you’re putting something off because you’re afraid of letting others down, commit to it in public and make a promise to yourself that you will get it done. Accountability is a very strong motivator!

For example, you can make a public commitment to your friends or family members by telling them that you will complete the task at hand before a certain date. If you are a member of an online community this is a great place to make a public commitment. Ask other members to check back with you on your progress, or announce a deadline when you'll 'show' them your progress.

10. Don’t forget to celebrate:

Lastly, don’t forget to reward yourself! A lot of what we do is forward-looking and focused on achieving our goals. However, sometimes we forget to celebrate the little wins along the way. When you’re beating procrastination and getting stuff done, celebrate your successes along the way. When you complete a task, no matter how small it may seem, reward yourself in some small way. If you fail to make your deadline - no reward.


Free Vintage Ladies Collage Sheet


These lovely vintage graphics have been made into 2" circle rounds perfect for a wide variety of craft projects from stickers to scrapbooking elements. Print them on aged looking craft paper for added effect!

This is an 8.5x11" PDF sheet saved for print resolution.

Use these freely in any personal or commercial project, all graphics are public domain.


Happy Crafting



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